Be Prepared When Your Ideal Job Or Promotion Is Advertised!

Are you ready for when your ideal job or promotion gets listed? Or do you leave it to the last minute? I’m Kathryn Burke, and I have the privilege of leading a fabulous team of Career Consultants across Australia under the banner of Résumés for Results. We often come across this issue when clients come […]
Do I really need a cover letter?

Do I really need a cover letter? Have you spent hours and hours preparing your resume for that job you really want? And the closing date is coming down on you, and you’re thinking, “Do I really need to include a cover letter? You know, they don’t read it, do they? Am I wasting my […]
Why do some entry level positions require experience? [VIDEO]

Why do some entry-level positions ask for 2 to 5 years experience? What’s the deal? So, the first thing. What’s the deal? Why is this being put on job listings? Well, a lot of job listings are like wish lists. They’re everything the employer wants but not expecting. Two years may also be designed to […]
Think you’re not good enough for that job interview? Think again. [VIDEO] Video Transcript: My daunting experience! How are you today? I want to share an experience I had today that I found very, very daunting. It’s not something that I have done very often but I had a photo shoot. I’d been looking at my online profile and thinking… “Oh, that is so old, I […]