Finding a new job is not always an easy task, and it can be a little harder if you’re wanting to kick off or take the next step in your career.
Whether you’re just starting out, getting back into the workforce, looking for a change, or wanting to take that next step forward in your career, there are plenty of ways to find that ideal job. There really are plenty of options out there; you may just be looking in the wrong place.
Number 1: Job boards
This sounds a little obvious, but there are so many job boards out there, that it may be worth registering for a few. Some will give you great opportunities to post your resume, skills, and experiences which can also help employers find you.
You may even find job advertising sites that are specific to your industry. Try doing a web search on “best places to work [insert industry] to open up a range of sites that you may have been unaware of.
Number 2: Social media job boards
Looking for work on Facebook, for example, doesn’t always jump to mind when job searching. However, platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have job boards or groups set up specifically for those looking for work; generally or in specific fields.
Peruse the job boards and groups, and if they offer the opportunity for community discussion, get talking and posting. Rather than promoting yourself, help others out and answer their questions. This will show potential employers just how well you know your stuff!
Number 3: Use your social networks
Social media networks can offer a fantastic pathway to the job of your dreams. All it takes is a simple “Hey, I’m looking for a job in [field]. Does anyone have any contacts?” You’ll be amazed at how many of your contacts know someone who knows someone. They may even hook you up with the person you need to speak to most.
Number 4: Get out there
Don’t just sit behind the screen and hope you can find something. Find out where there are networking or other events in the field you’re interested in, and go along to some of them. Have a chat to attendees, regardless of their position in the organisation or field, and get yourself some contacts.
Number 5: Research
Go looking for some companies in the field you’re looking to work in, and read up on them. It’s also a good idea to read things like reviews and other commentary, as it will tell you more about the company than their website will. Find out the names of the key people who’ll help you get your foot in the door.
Number 6: Ask
The saying goes “if you don’t ask, you don’t get”, so if you find someone you’d like to work for, ask them if they have an opening of it they’d be willing to talk to you about opportunities.
When you’re ready to submit your resume, don’t wait for an opening, just do it. Once you’ve researched them, use their language, without copying chunks of their site, in your resume and cover letter, and tell them what YOU can do for THEM.
Sometimes you just need to show the initiative, and it can show more about you than you realise.
Number 7: Watch your language
Remember that your social media profiles can be seen by potential employers, so it’s worth watching what you say, and who you say it to, on social media.
It’s not only your behaviour that can cost you an opportunity, it can, if played right, gain you more than you imagined. If you’re familiar with terminology used, or know enough about the industry to feel comfortable talking about it, do so.
Do this on your own profile, as well as the profiles of various companies you’re wanting to work for. Participate in discussion and, without being cocky or annoying, show your knowledge.
Number 8: Get them to come to you
Set yourself up with an online resume and don’t limit yourself to websites like Seek or LinkedIn. Create your own webpage, or page on Facebook, showing your career successes and aspirations. It doesn’t need to be too fancy (unless you’re wanting web design or similar work) to show that you know your stuff.
Web searches on potential candidates are becoming the norm, so make sure what potential employers see online is representative of your best work.
Do you need advice in how to search for a job? Contact our Career Consultants at Résumés for Results to discuss how we can assist you with your job searching. Call us TODAY on 1800 155 895 or send us an email to find out more.
We also provide and specialise in professional resume and cover letter writing, selection criteria writing, interview coaching, and LinkedIn profile writing.
We offer services across Australia, including all capital cities and regional areas. Our Professional Resume Writers and Career Consultants bring years of experience to the table, with a full range of career services available. Résumés for Results are here to assist you to succeed.